Locality, suppletion, and cognitive parallelism

🕑 11 min • 👤 Thomas Graf • 📆 October 23, 2019 in Tutorials • 🏷 suppletion, locality, prosody, subregular, syntax

Oh boy, this month is killing me. I know I promised you one more detailed discussion of subregular complexity before we finally get back to the topic that started it all, Omer Preminger’s post on listedness. But in the interest of time I’ll merge those two posts into one. That means some points will be a bit more hazy than I’d like, but I think it will work just fine nevertheless (and for those of you sick of this series of posts, we’ll get to something new sooner). Alright, with that out of the way, here’s the basic question: why aren’t PF and LF more alike?

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