Unboundedness, learning, and POS

πŸ•‘ 6 min • πŸ‘€ Thomas Graf • πŸ“† February 26, 2020 in Discussions • 🏷 learnability, poverty of stimulus, lattices

Ignas Rudaitis left a comment under my unboundedness post that touches on an important issue: the interaction of unboundedness and the poverty of the stimulus (POS). My reply there had to be on the short side, so I figured I’d fill in the gaps with a short follow-up post.

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A final stroll through the complexity zoo in phonology

πŸ•‘ 8 min • πŸ‘€ Thomas Graf • πŸ“† September 09, 2019 in Tutorials • 🏷 subregular, phonology, locality, strictly piecewise, strictly local, tier-based strictly local, typology, learnability

After a brief interlude, let’s get back to locality. This post will largely act as a recap of what has come before and provide a segue from phonology to syntax. That’s also a good time to look at the bigger picture, which goes beyond putting various phenomena in various locality boxes just because we can.

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