Underappreciated arguments: Underlying representations

πŸ•‘ 4 min β€’ πŸ‘€ Thomas Graf β€’ πŸ“† May 28, 2019 in Discussions β€’ 🏷 phonology, morphology, underlying representations, abstractness, bimorphisms, T-model

Time for another entry in the Underappreciated arguments series. This post will be pretty short as it is a direct continuation of the previous entry on how the inverted T-model emerges naturally from the bimorphism perspective. You see, the very same argument also gives rise to underlying representations in phonology and morphology.

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Underappreciated arguments: The inverted T-model

πŸ•‘ 9 min β€’ πŸ‘€ Thomas Graf β€’ πŸ“† May 15, 2019 in Discussions β€’ 🏷 syntax, transductions, bimorphisms, T-model

There’s many conceptual pillars of linguistics that are, for one reason or another, considered contentious outside the field. This includes the competence/performance split, the grammar/parser dichotomy, underlying representations, or the inverted T-model. These topics have been discussed to death, but they keep coming up. Since it’s tiring to hear the same arguments over and over again, I figure it’d be interesting to discuss some little known ones that are rooted in computational linguistics. This will be an ongoing series, and its inaugural entry is on the connection between the T-model and bimorphisms.

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